🏆 UIST '22 Best Poster Honorable Mention
Sang-Hyun Lee
Taegyu Jin
Joon Hyub Lee
Seok-Hyung Bae
Sang-Hyun Lee, Taegyu Jin, Joon Hyub Lee and Seok-Hyung Bae won the People’s Choice Best Poster Honorable Mention at ACM UIST 2022, which was held in Bend, Oregon, U.S. from September 29 to November 2. This research, "WireSketch" is a 3D curve authoring system with bimanual gestures in virtual reality. It provides a rich vocabulary of interactions in which both hands are used harmoniously following simple and intuitive grammar, and supports comprehensive manipulation of 3D curve networks. During the poster presentation session, Sang-Hyun introduced WireSketch system with physical prototype, and audience enjoyed the live demo in VR.